
2023/08/15(二), 08:15-12:15(視)


(一)Wide Bandgap Semiconductors and Their Prospects in Modern Electronics(語言:英文)

 We are witnessing one of the most significant transformations of society where electronics are playing a visibly important role. (Semiconductor) Chips gained more media attention when their shortage became a global crisis. Modern electronics stands majorly on the success of Silicon, but it is undeniable that the roadmap to more energy-efficient, compact, AI-controlled, self-powered, and versatile electronics requires more than Silicon to keep up. Among all these new waves of technology, the idea of achieving a carbon-free energy system by 2050 is now more than a commitment and requires energy efficient electronics at every level.  Higher power density, higher operating frequency and more temperature tolerance are highly welcome in todays and future application. 
 Wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductors present a pathway to enable much of these electronics with higher frequencies, higher power densities, and at higher temperatures, enabling newer functionalities.  WBG devices with higher power density have unprecedented value in both power and high frequency electronics. The roadmap looks promising with, and beyond, GaN, thanks to materials like (Ga, Al) Oxides, diamond and others. WBGs have been successfully integrated into circuit boards to drive applications. However, to extract the anticipated efficiencies from a WBG driven system, sometimes circuit innovations are essential at a higher novelty. The success of gallium nitride has opened the door to other ultra-wide bandgap materials, presenting a new area of research covering a wide spectrum from materials, physics, devices, and applications. I will go over the power and thermal aspects of these materials through our recent results.


  氧化鎵號稱第四類半導體,屬寬能隙 (4.2電子伏特 (eV) 以上) 半導體材料,此材料的優點在製程比碳化矽和氮化鎵更容易。同樣的運算速度下,電力耗損僅是矽的3400 分之1 左右,與碳化矽相比也僅10 分之1。氧化鎵晶體的製造成本較矽略高,但只有碳化矽的三分之一。然而因為被注意到的時間較晚,近10年內才開始受到產業關注,目前氧化鎵晶圓的研究和生產仍然處於早期階段,半導體元件的製作更有許多材料搭配的問題待研究。
  半導體製程進入奈米製程節點後,困難度大幅提升,台積電藉由大量的微奈米材料分析,尤其是穿透式電鏡 (TEM) 材料分析,協助半導體奈米製程的開發,使最高精準度達到一層原子 (~0.3 nm) 的厚度,最終超越英代爾,成為半導體製程界的霸主。根據測不準原理,尺寸愈小,雜訊 (或假訊) 就愈大。如何有效利用TEM材料分析的高解析性能,同時減少錯誤解讀分析資料的內含訊息,有效率地協助氧化鎵半導體奈米製程的技術開發,是此課程的重點,大綱摘要如下
(1). 氧化鎵簡介 (Introduction of Ga2O3)
- 奈米材料分析對半導體製程開發的重要性 (Importance of nano-MA in the development of semiconductor process of nano scale)
(2). TEM試片製做與可能的損傷 (TEM sample preparation and possible induced damage)
(3). 原子級界面分析 (Interfacial analysis - atomical scale)
(4). TEM/EDS在C, N, O等輕元素分析上的困惑 (Puzzles in analysis of light elements (C, N, O) by TEM/EDS)
(5). 氮化鎵/氧化鎵分析案例 (A case study of GaN/Ga2O3) 
(6). 結論 (Conclusions)
Srabanti Chowdhury史丹佛大學電機工程系副教授暨Precourt能源研究所資深研究員
Srabanti Chowdhury教授專門研究用於功率電子和射頻應用的寬能隙 (WBG)、超寬能隙 (UWBG) 材料以及能源高效及小型系統架構的元件工程。除了氮化鎵和氧化鎵之外,她的團隊也有研究鑽石在各種有源和無源電子元件的應用,尤其是熱管理方面。Srabanti Chowdhury在加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校取得電機工程碩士和博士學位,2015年獲得了DARPA青年教師獎、NSF CAREERAFOSR青年研究員計畫 (YIP)。此外,她還在2016年獲得國際化合物半導體研討會 (ISCS) 的青年科學家獎,以及2020年的Alfred P. Sloan基金會的物理學獎學金。她擔任了幾個IEEE會議的議程委員會成員,包括IRPSVLSI研討會,以及IEDM的執行委員會。


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